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Cito has 28 years in public education, all in the state of Colorado, where he currently lives and works. For sixteen years, Cito was a classroom teacher in the areas of Social Studies and Language Arts, implementing project-based and social justice oriented learning experiences for young people at the middle school level.

He earned a Master's degree in Literacy, Language and Culture, with an English Language Learners endorsement as well as his principal's license. This opened the door for Cito to move into administration with a desire to have larger impacts on systems, structures and culture in school communities.

He went on to be an assistant principal at the high school level for two years, and then middle school principal for three years.

His most recent role for the past eight years has been as the Principal at the Welte Education Center, Big Picture High School, in Fountain CO, where he supported the school in an amazing journey into Big Picture Learning. He is passionate and skilled in developing strong school cultures and relational capacity among the humans in these environments. His work around restorative practices is another passion area and strength as he aims to support schools in being responsive to student and adult needs.

Cito enjoys writing poetry and playing the congas. He can also be found in the mountains, hiking, fly fishing, bike riding or just being at peace with nature and the people he loves.

Cito Nuhn

School Leadership & Innovation Partner

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