Jennifer Ghidiu serves as the National School Network Director at Big Picture Learning, a role that is a perfect fit for her own unconventional educational path. Disenchanted with traditional schooling despite a genuine love for learning, Jennifer found educational kinship with Big Picture, and resonance in its innovative approach. With a wealth of experience in school launch and alternative education, Jennifer's journey began as a founding teacher at Camden’s Big Picture Learning Academy. Her leadership extended to the establishment of el Centro de Estudiantes and several other pioneering programs during her tenure with Big Picture Philadelphia.
Transitioning to the Big Picture National Team in 2013, Jennifer has been instrumental in the development of educational and training materials, facilitated the successful launch of over a dozen schools, and spearheaded research initiatives. Currently, Jennifer lends her expertise to nurturing the remarkable network of Big Picture schools, collaborating closely with a dynamic team of coaches and colleagues. Beyond her educational endeavors, Jennifer has lent her talents to the National Parent Leadership Institute and crafted curriculum for various educational organizations.
A steadfast advocate for constructive friction, Jennifer resides in Rochester, NY, with her two sons and her dog Piper. Recent learning journeys include: studying Spanish, learning to play the accordion, and exploring adolescent identity development.
Jennifer Ghidiu
National School Network Director